elahe kavan mehr co. ltd.

Elahe Kavan Mehr (elkm) Co. is a collection of integrated enterprise consisting of the parent company and companies as a specialized subset of each defined activity in its area.

elkm co as an investor group provides needed hardware and software for its activities. This chart philosophy defines similar costs, overlap and cooperate and use all the power in the same set of projects that defined.




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Ana Dolu
Address: Unit 69, Tower A, A.S.P Towers, Kordistan Highway, Tehran - Iran | Tel: +98 21 88 03 22 24 - 88 04 93 47 | Fax: +98 21 88 03 12 35 | E-mail: i n f o [a] e l k m . i r
© Copyright 2009 - 2011 elahe kavan mehr (elkm) co. | all rights reserved. | design: kay-one design studio